Monday, July 11, 2011

This "Thing" Is Emotional

Looking back at my weekend I can see how this 100 Heart Challenge is very emotional.  On any given day I feel like a success and a failure within a three hour time span:
  • I started out my Saturday by stepping on the scale, and I hadn't lost any weight - I felt like a failure. 
  • I put on my running shoes and ran my guts out - I felt great by the time I came home. 
  • I went to the Kenny Chesney concert on Saturday night and had a great time.  My husband and I decided we were going to eat dinner at the concert.  I was going to get a bottled water and a salad with dressing on the side, so I was in control - I felt great.
  • I found out the salad was premade and was already coated with dressing - I felt like a failure.
  • I didn't eat the chips or the tortilla on my salad and I only drank water - I felt great.
  • I let my kids bake a Sunday treat and I only had a bite - I felt great.
  • On Sunday I realized I didn't eat my 5 fruits and veggies - I felt like a failure.   
We had a class early this morning to discuss how to succeed beyond the 100 days of the competition.  One of the things we talked about was how emotional our eating and our health really is.  We discussed fear.  The instructor suggested we add another column in our daily trackers and identify our emotions - log why we eat and/or behave the way we do daily.  I really liked this idea.  It was great to be with the other participants and to hear they have similar hopes and fears.

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